Shereel continues to expand her talents in a new workshop she's curating coming to Oakland. God keeps using her to in being a positive change agent in the lives of people.
Shereel Washington, curates, directs and teachers new dance program Move: Spirit & Rhythm at Deep Root Center for Spiritual Studies in Oakland.
A Blast From the Past

San Francisco Letter 29

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 • Rita Felciano • General
"....Other dancers occupied more terrestrial ground on two platforms as they re-enact of history. Sheryeel[Shereel] Washington's gorgeously rounded African-based dancing weaves through the piece like ancient memory."
San Francisco International Arts Festival
Zaccho Dance Theatre
"Departure and Arrival"
San Francisco International Airport
copyright © 2007 by Rita Felciano 

"...The Festival's opening had taken place at an unusual venue, between two sets of check-in counters at the new International Terminal at the San Francisco Airport. With her customary care to detail and an uncanny ability to create a sense of contemplation in the most unlikely places, Joanna Haigood's "Departure and Arrival" evoking the Middle Passage of thousands of Africans to the new world.

Reasoning somewhat speciously, the printed program suggested continuity between the slaves and today's immigrants. Without disrespecting the travails of present days arrivals, there is a huge difference. None of the travelers from Africa came here out of their own free will.

With dusk filtering through the roof's huge skylights and against the vague hum of the airport speakers (their volume must have been lowered), a series of skeleton dream houses softly sway overhead. In one of them Haigood moves slowly, exploring its space, its structure its ambience. It is a home freed from gravity, embracing her as pedals upside down, stretches into diagonals, curls into fetal positions.

Other dancers occupied more terrestrial ground on two platforms as they re-enact of history. Sheryeel Washington's gorgeously rounded African-based dancing weaves through the piece like ancient memory. A bushy-haired Robert Henry Johnson in a tenderly elegant relationship that falls apart partners former Lines Ballet dancers Maurya Kerr. In the work's most chilling moment Noe Serrano, as the slave auctioneer, displays Kerr's breasts, examines her teeth and makes her dance a few steps. Even though this was just a re-enactment, it was difficult to watch. In one corner Johnson dances a ring-shout; Ramon Ramos Alayo a fierce Afro-Cuban solo. As the lights go down, a traveler with a suitcase arrives and brings a basket from which he pours "water" of reconciliation. With everyone crowded into one of those tiny house and the sounds of crickets, "Departure" could have had a sentimentalized ending. It's to Haigood and her fine collaborators' credit that it didn't."

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